Yesterday, 27/11, it was celebrated by the Labor Safety Technician’s Day. The data honors the professional responsible for ensuring the stability of all employees, the analysis of risks in the work environment and the adoption of preventive measures during the execution of daily activities.

In LPC Latina, this professional has a function to prevent and disable organizations, encouraging behavior to promote the disclosure of rules and procedures. As the support for the activities, it counts on educational events and actions, such as a SIPAT (Internal Week of Prevention of Accidents at Work), which this year had the theme “Respect your life, work safely”.

For more than 16 years in the company, a team of Mídia Sampaio has been working for five months as a Technician in Occupational Safety and the biggest challenges in the area is an awareness of preventive attitudes. “I like to get in touch with people and know that they contribute to the safety of my co-workers. It’s always an opportunity for learning and multiplicative knowledge, “she says.