With the objective of contributing to the sustainability of its clients’ businesses, LPC is offering a new service in its portfolio: the development of photovoltaic projects and the implementation of this solution in existing or new operations, which is based on the renewable source the most abundant and widely available energy on the planet, the sun.

The service consists of generating energy through the direct conversion of sunlight, even on cloudy or rainy days, into electricity. The larger the solar radiation, the greater the amount of electricity produced.

In practice

In partnership with a company that is one of the world leaders in solar thermal energy, LPC Latina carries out the measurement of the radiation in the place to define the amount of solar panels necessary for the implementation of the project. With the use of frequency inverters, the system is connected to the eletrical network, generating daytime savings, which even reduces daytime consumption, for nighttime use.

The practice is allowed by ANEEL (National Agency for Electric Energy), through Normative Resolution 482/2012 – known as the “Law of Solar Energy Incentive”, available at this link, which establishes rules for this system of “energy compensation”. Among the benefits are the reduction of costs, the influence of external factors, such as future tariff readjustments of energy (yellow and red) and network failures.

The situation of LPC Latina is that the return on investment is counted in up to five years. The solution of about 20 years is already useful.

Photovoltaic meaning

From Greek (Phos), meaning “light”, and “volt”, the unit of electro-motive force, which also comes from the surname of the Italian physicist Alessandro Volta, inventor of the pile. The term “photovoltaic” has been used in English since 1849.