ANEEL (National Electricity Agency), in an effort to seek best practices regarding dam safety, announced an Office related to the deadlines for compliance with the obligations established in Normative Resolution (REN) 696/2015. The projects have until 21/12 to settle.

Among the measures established are services that are part of LPC Latina’s portfolio, such as the elaboration of the Security Plan, Emergency Action Plan (class A and B dams), Regular Security Inspection, Special Security Inspection and Periodic Review of Dams.

With experience in the whole process, LPC Latina offers, from the conceptual, basic and executive projects to the inspection and drafting of the inspection report and dam safety, being responsible for client projects such as Seband (Sociedade de Energia Bandeirantes) Pleuston, Constran, Allonda, Samarco, Prolagos and Aegea.